So the big news of the week is a trailer that was released only a few hours ago. From the titled of this you'd have deduced that I am of course talking about The Avengers and so what do I think of it? Eh.
Let me give some background, I am a huge supporter for this film. I cannot freaking wait for it. Marvel is producing some of the best films at the moment so I have high hopes for this film. Here is my opinon on the five build up films they released. Iron Man: I'm one of the few people who enjoyed it but didn't love it. I though it felt slow and the final fight wasn't as entertaining as it should have been but utterly and absolutely adored Robert Downey Jr. as Tony Stark. The Incredible Hulk was one of my favourite films of 2008 and is credited as the one that got me excited for The Avengers. Iron Man II was a much better improvement from Iron Man and was much more entertaining. Thor did its job but wasn't anything special and Captain America is my favourite out of the lot. Thats how I feel about the build up films. Now onto The Avengers trailer.
So the trailer starts out with a voice over from what I'm assuming is Loki saying "You were made to be ruled" followed by massive amounts of explosions and people running scared. We then see him in a new costume and looking much darker than he was at the end of Thor about to take down several guards in a strange looking room. The trailer then cuts to Nick Fury arriving at SHIELD and saying they need to get ready. Cut shot of all the heroes getting their costumes and having Nick explain that SHIELD has been preparing the heroes for a day when SHIELD couldn't do something. Then we start to get some banter between Captain America and Iron Man before we get some action cut scenes including a scene where it appears that Thor is going to turn on Captain America and the SHIELD headquaters is going to be infiltrated. Following this is a line from Stark saying "If we can't defend the earth, your doing to be damn sure we'll avenge it". It cuts to the title and then one last scene with Tony giving Banner some crap about him turning into an out of control beast before a three second shot of Banner actually doing so.
Read of that description of the trailer again and you will notice one thing. We still don't have a plot. I don't know what this movie is actually about. Now I'm not saying I wanted a full blown plot summation from this trailer but I would have liked at least an idea of what is going to happen in the film. This trailer doesn't really explain anything except that Loki may be the villain and that the team is going to get together but may have trouble working together. That isn't enough and I would have liked to know what Loki is doing that makes it urgent for SHIELD to get all the superheros together.
Another massive problem with the film I have is at the end I don't have that "I need to see this" emotion. I have this "cool, I might see that". Of course if you know me I'll be there first day, first session and probably first in line but that's not because of this trailer. This trailer doesn't bring the epic factor that it needed to have. It feels just like anyone superhero movie and not the event that it needs to be. No-one has ever tried this before and it comes across that the filmmakers are a little scared.
This isn't a terrible trailer but it isn't nessassrily one that screams must see. Its just very underwhelming. I'm still looking forward to this movie but now I'm a little cautious of it. Some of the humour and banter between Captain America and Iron Man felt forced as does much of Fury's dialouge.
So have you seen the new Avengers trailer? If so what did you think of it? If you haven't I've left the link below check it out then come back and let me know. Til next time I'm the Mad Movie Man and I'll see you at the cinema